Simulation of evolution

Simulation of evolution |

incomplete modeling
Author:  Date: 2003-05-07 04:33
C'mon, I made it abundantly clear that I was not suggesting the existence of tribes that are composed of people who are 100% altruists 100% of the time.
Of course I recognize the dialectical evolution between those attempting to enforce altruistic behavior and those attempting to evade detection.
Thanks for reminding me of another point I had failed to make though.
Most models dont account for what most acts of egoism are, infrequent acts of opportunity, and for the duality that exists in us all to behave both altruisticaly and egoisticaly. I wish the book tittle was coming to mind but there is a fascinating book where the author interviewed 50 people on Death Row about their views of themselves. They uniformly see themselves as basicaly good, as altruists, despite their murders and rapes and etc. One inmate recounts how he went shopping for the old woman upstairs who could no longer make it to the store and on his way home raped and killed a teenage girl.
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