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Stop the instruction set war
Author: Agner Date: 2011-08-28 08:30

Here is an update of instructions that were first announced by AMD and later copied by Intel:

Instruction name AMD instruction set Intel instruction set Compatible Remark
prefetch 3DNow SSE no Intel name: prefetcht0, etc.
64 bit mode AMD64 Intel 64 yes  
rdtscp SSE4A (AVX) yes Separate CPUID bit
lzcnt SSE4A future AVX2 yes  
vpshld, etc. SSE5/XOP future AVX2 no Intel name: vpsllvd, etc.
cvtph2ps, cvtps2ph SSE5/XOP future no  
vfmaddps, etc. SSE5/XOP FMA3 no Both AMD and Intel have changed their codes.
Final version is incompatible

While AMD keeps copying almost all Intel instructions (except virtualization instructions) for the sake of compatibility, only few of AMDs instructions are copied by Intel. In those cases where Intel have copied an AMD instruction using the XOP coding scheme, they have made an incompatible code using the VEX coding scheme.

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