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Matrix multiplication
Author:  Date: 2016-07-29 10:03
There are two problems with matrix multiplication in recent architectures:
1. The biggest problem with matrix multiplication comes from the need to keep many independent accumulators to tolerate pipeline latency. For example, on Intel's Haswell (Xeon E5 v3) processor with two FMA units and a 5-cycle FMA latency, a minimum of 10 accumulators are required. Each of these accumulators must be a full-width SIMD vector in order to use all the FMA hardware. It turns out that 10 accumulators is not a useful number for register blocking of matrix multiplication (5x2 and 2x5 don't provide good re-use), so the optimum algorithms must use 12 accumulators -- leaving only 4 register names for everything else. The optimal blocking uses 3 registers for values that are re-used in non-adjacent code, leaving a single register for handling all of the load-with-broadcast values that are used for the input array that requires transposition.
2. A secondary problem is the absence of transposition support. When going from AVX2 (described above) to AVX-512, the number of accumulators required remains the same, but the wider SIMD registers means that the code must implement 8 load-with-broadcast operations (for the transposed input array) in the same number of cycles that were required for 4 load-with-broadcast operations on Haswell. The only way that this can happen is to use a larger blocking factor for register blocking so that more data re-use occurs and more cycles are available with a free load port. Since AVX2 already required all 16 registers, an AVX-512 implementation clearly requires more -- so it is not surprising that the AVX-512 instruction set provides 32 named registers.

The first problem is probably the easiest to solve. A floating-point multiply-add unit with a single-cycle multiply-accumulate mode is described by S. Jain et al., in “A 90mW/GFlop 3.4GHz reconfigurable fused/continuous multiply-accumulator for floating-point and integer operands in 65nm,” VLSID ’10., 2010. This would reduce the number of accumulators to 2 (one per FMA unit) and (in the AVX2 example) would free 10 registers for holding data for re-use.

The second problem is definitely more difficult to solve. Although it would be relatively easy to build an FMA unit with a built-in broadcast of a scalar element, this would not help with getting the scalar element(s) into the register(s) in the first place. In the standard form of matrix multiplication, the values that need to be broadcast are collected from strided memory addresses (with a stride equal to the dimension of the matrix). Given that most (all?) recent processors have "wide" (multiple 64-bit word) interfaces at all levels of the cache/memory hierarchy, so there is physically no way to get full bandwidth while extracting only one element per block.

A possible route forward would be a SIMD "transpose with broadcast" instruction, taking a single vector of P contiguous elements and broadcasting each element across one of P output SIMD registers. The overall matrix multiplication algorithm would have to be organized so that all of these P elements would be used before being discarded, which restricts the space of possible orderings considerably. I have not worked through the details to see if this leads to a workable solution. A non-SIMD approach based on independent single-lane vector units operating from a scratchpad memory (rather than SIMD registers) might be preferred, but that opens up too many options to think about. Some encouraging developments in high-radix on-chip crossbar technology that would help in any of these approaches to parallelism is reported by Sudhir Satpathy, et al., in a number of publications, including;jsessionid=8E92B85798A678099DC7A0C836575697?doi=

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