Vector Class Discussion

New version 1.14 supports AVX512
Author:  Date: 2016-05-31 18:28
Do you have any thoughts on changing types like Vec16cb into mask types when AVX512 is available? Does code using the VCL tend to depend on using the boolean-vector types as proper vectors?

For example,

static inline Vec16cb operator != (Vec16c const & a, Vec16c const & b)
could use __mmask16 _mm_cmpneq_epi8_mask (__m128i a, __m128i b), but we'd also have to expand that mask back to a vector. There's an instruction for that, but we *definitely* don't want to ever generate braindead code that keeps turning compare results into vectors and then back into masks.
thread New version 1.14 supports AVX512 new - Agner - 2014-07-24
last replythread New version 1.14 supports AVX512 - Peter Cordes - 2016-05-31
last reply New version 1.14 supports AVX512 new - Agner - 2016-05-31