Vector Class Discussion

Apple Clang version check unreliable
Author:  Date: 2017-05-09 14:56
8000042 is the output of printf("%d\n", __apple_build_version__) , which is supposed to be several years newer than Apple Clang 6.02, but fails with the aliasing-related error:

vectorf128.h:237:22: error: ambiguous conversion for functional-style cast from 'const Vec4fb' to 'Vec4ib'
return Vec4fb( ! Vec4ib(a));

It's possible that it worked in 6.02 but then was broken again in some subsequent version. Apple's clang builds are available from, so it might be possible to test this on a non OS-X system, although I haven't checked to see if they'll build on my system or not. Hopefully some enterprising person has time to figure out which versions have broken aliasing.

thread Apple Clang version check unreliable new - Cosmin Deaconu - 2017-05-09
last replythread Apple Clang version check unreliable new - Agner - 2017-05-09
last replythread Apple Clang version check unreliable - Cosmin Deaconu - 2017-05-09
last replythread Apple Clang version check unreliable new - Agner - 2017-05-10
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last reply Apple Clang version check unreliable new - Agner - 2018-04-06