Vector Class Discussion

Warnings on gcc 7.1.0
Author:  Date: 2019-10-02 05:13
You can also ignore the warning only for the round() function in vectorf128.h:

#ifdef __MINGW32__
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wattributes"

...declaration of the round function with the -fno-unsafe-math-optimizations attribute
static inline Vec2d round(Vec2d const a) {

#ifdef __MINGW32__
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

thread Warnings on gcc 7.1.0 new - HolyWu - 2017-06-02
last replythread Warnings on gcc 7.1.0 new - Agner - 2019-04-30
last reply Warnings on gcc 7.1.0 - Michal Fapso - 2019-10-02