Vector Class Discussion

Proposal for vector gather() method
Author:  Date: 2013-04-03 04:23
I did consider the lookup<n> function but from the documentation and source code it looks like that function is mainly intended for fixed, small numbers of <n>.

For arbitrary large n, the implementation in vectorf256.h is based on store and re-load from temp. memory locations

uint32_t ii[8];;
float rr[8];
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
rr[j] = table[ii[j]];
return Vec8f().load(rr);

which from my experience is generally less efficient than directly working with shuffles etc. in the registers themselves.

So I thought it would be nice to have reasonably fast, general purpose gather() for arbitrary index vectors, analogous to the AVX2 VGATHER instruction ....

thread Proposal for vector gather() method new - epsilon - 2013-04-02
last replythread Proposal for vector gather() method new - Agner - 2013-04-03
last replythread Proposal for vector gather() method - epsilon - 2013-04-03
last reply Proposal for vector gather() method new - Agner - 2013-04-03