Vector Class Discussion

New version 1.12 has math functions
Author: Agner Date: 2014-05-02 01:26
Thank you for drawing my attention to the SLEEF library. I will test it when I get the time, but looking at the code and the doc., I think that SLEEF is less accurate. The error of my math functions rarely exceed 1 ULP. My pow function is less precise because rounding errors get amplified, but I am working on an improvement. My functions do not support denormal numbers, but treat them as zero in many cases because I have given higher priority to speed. The SVML library has excellent precision in my tests.
thread New version 1.12 has math functions new - Agner - 2014-04-23
last replythread New version 1.12 has math functions new - Freddie Witherden - 2014-05-02
last reply New version 1.12 has math functions - Agner - 2014-05-02